Saturday, 15 February 2025, 2:35 PM
Site: WET-BOEW-GCWeb 4.0 for Moodle
Course: Moodle Community of Practice (2020 edition) (Moodle Community 2020W)
Glossary: Glossary of Moodle terms
Block in Moodle is an item that can be added to the right (or, if the theme
allows, left) of a Moodle course page. They provide extra information or links
to aid in learning. In WordPress, blocks would be called Widgets. They can also
include RSS news feed, a calendar, links to blogs, a glossary of terms, latest announcements, online users, upcoming
events, random glossary entries, private files and more. Moodle also includes
an HTML block which can be customized to contain any combination of images,
text and links. To add a block, turn on editing in your course and click Add Block in the Nav Drawer. Once
added, you can drag and drop the block into position. |