Saturday, 27 July 2024, 6:13 AM
Site: WET-BOEW-GCWeb 4.0 for Moodle
Course: Moodle Community of Practice (2020 edition) (Moodle Community 2020W)
Glossary: Glossary of Moodle terms

Native Moodle Course

A course made up of Moodle activity and resources which may include:

  • Announcement (forum)
  • Assignment
  • Book
  • Chat
  • Choice
  • Database
  • Feedback
  • File
  • Folder
  • Forum
  • Glossary
  • H5P
  • Label
  • Lesson
  • Page
  • Quiz
  • Survey
  • URL
  • Wiki
  • Workshop

The term Native Moodle Course is used to give distinction to SCORM Courses.

Nav drawer

The Moodle Navigation Drawer is the navigation menu that slides open and close when you click on the hamburger menu in the top left or right of the page. It typically contains links which are relevant to the content currently displayed in the content area.