This is not a Government of Canada website
Le but de ce site Web est de fournir un exemple fonctionnel du thème de la WET-BOEW-GCWeb créé par TNG Consulting Inc. en collaboration avec le gouvernement du Canada pour le logiciel Moodle . Les cours de démonstration ne sont disponibles qu'en anglais, mais les cours multilingues sont pris en charge.
Advice and Contact Info
Please ask your question in the forum as this will not only helps you but will surely help other learners as well. You may also find you get answers quicker that way. (available to registered learners only)
You may contact your instructor directly during the course for questions relating to issues or errors in the course, your assessment and evaluation of the course.
We get inquiries from many learners and people interested in hosting this course on their own Moodle site. When you contact us directly, please mention:- Your name
- Your email address
- The name of the course.
- The group you are studying (if applicable).
- A detailed description of the issue you are experiencing.
After completing the course, the instructor may not follow questions posted in the forum, even if the learning environment remains open. After completing your studies, you can contact us using the above link if needed.
After successfully completing the course, registered students will receive a completion badge.
Note: When your registration on this website expires, you will no longer be able to log into the learning environment. Be sure to download your badge and any other resources you want to keep before this happens. We cannot provide you with your badge once you are no longer registered on this website.